WASHINGTON D.C. The following statement may be attributed to Nuclear Innovation Alliance Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
“Funding for domestic production of nuclear fuel should be a priority and we are pleased to see the Biden Administration’s recognition of this priority with their request of $2.2 billion for the Department of Energy (DOE) to enhance long-term, domestic enrichment capabilities for high-assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU). If appropriated by Congress, this significant investment would help provide the funding needed for DOE’s HALEU availability program, and would catalyze a domestic HALEU supply chain to ensure fuel availability for many advanced nuclear reactor technologies. We hope that Congress will move forward quickly to appropriate this crucial public investment to help secure a domestic HALEU fuel supply. Once enacted, this funding will ultimately allow for the deployment of clean advanced nuclear energy to reach our climate goals and strengthen our nation's energy security.”
To learn about HALEU funding needs, see the NIA brief here. And to learn more about catalyzing a domestic HALEU market, see the NIA report here.
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance is a non-profit think-and-do-tank working to enable nuclear power as a global solution to mitigate climate change. Through policy analysis, research, and education, we are catalyzing the next era of nuclear energy. Our organization is funded primarily through charitable grants and philanthropic donations from climate-concerned individuals and organizations.