WASHINGTON D.C. The following statement may be attributed to Judi Greenwald, executive director of the Nuclear Innovation Alliance:
“The deployment of advanced nuclear reactors requires effective and efficient nuclear reactor licensing that enables safe, publicly trusted, and commercially competitive construction and operation. Reforms are necessary for NRC to have the capacity and capability to implement modernized, risk-informed, performance-based, and technology-inclusive regulatory processes and frameworks.”
“The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) believes that urgent reform at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is essential to the successful development and deployment of advanced nuclear energy to meet our climate and energy security goals. Our new paper compiles a set of specific NIA recommendations for NRC reforms that would help enable licensing and deployment of advanced nuclear energy at scale. It also describes the specific roles of different players (Congress, the NRC Commission, NRC management and staff, and advanced reactor license applicants) in creating a modernized, effective regulator. We hope it will be a useful roadmap for key stakeholders as they consider next steps.”
To view the full report, click here.