The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) today released the following statement in response to the Senate's confirmation of Secretary Jennifer Granholm to head the Department of Energy. This statement may be attributed to NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
"The Nuclear Innovation Alliance congratulates Jennifer Granholm on her confirmation as the 16th Secretary of Energy. We look forward to working with her and her team on the development, demonstration and deployment of the advanced nuclear reactors we'll need to ensure the U.S. can meet its emissions reductions goals while powering a strong economy and creating good jobs. Federal leadership is essential to realize the promise of advanced nuclear energy. We're hopeful that under Secretary Granholm, the U.S. Department of Energy will drive technology-inclusive, zero-carbon innovation forward, for the benefit of all Americans."
The NIA's mission is to "Bring more economically competitive zero-carbon emission energy to the world by supporting entrepreneurialism and accelerated innovation and commercialization of advanced nuclear energy." For more information on NIA, visit the website: www.nuclearinnovationalliance.