WASHINGTON D.C. The following comment on the introduction of the Accelerating Deployment of Versatile Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy (ADVANCE) Act may be attributed to Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
“The introduction of the ADVANCE Act is further evidence of the growing interest in advanced nuclear energy technologies. This bill, if passed, would be another step forward in advanced nuclear innovation and help re-establish American international competitiveness and global leadership in nuclear energy. NIA recognizes the need to revitalize the domestic nuclear supply chain, strengthen the pipeline of the next generation nuclear workforce, and assist advanced reactor developers with the licensing of their technologies. This bill will help meet those needs, and it demonstrates the need for advanced nuclear energy to be part of the mix for the U.S. to meet mid-century climate goals.”
The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) is a non-profit “think-and-do” tank working to enable advanced nuclear power as a global solution to mitigate climate change. Through policy analysis, research, outreach, and education, we are catalyzing the next era of nuclear energy. To learn more, visit us on the web at www.nuclearinnovationalliance.org.