Nuclear Innovation Newsletter
Washington D.C. In July NIA hosted the 7th edition of our Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp in partnership with the University of Wyoming.
We released our newest report "Key Recommendations for Reforming the Nuclear Regulatory Agency" and released a statement welcoming the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's New Executive Director for Operations
NIA Statement on the Nomination of Matt Marzano to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
WASHINGTON D.C. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) shared the following statement in response to President Biden's nomination of Matt Marzano to be a Comissioner on the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. This statement may be attributed to NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
NIA's Statement on Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Action to Improve Mandatory Hearings
WASHINGTON D.C. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) shared the following statement in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's action to improve mandatory hearings. This statement may be attributed to NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald:
"As a think and do tank focused on advanced nuclear power development and deployment, NIA welcomes today's NRC action to remove the existing blanket requirement for oral hearings in licensing approval processes, regardless of the specifics of the individual application.
Statement on “Key Recommendations for Reforming U.S. Nuclear Energy Regulation” by the Nuclear Innovation Alliance
WASHINGTON D.C. The following statement may be attributed to Judi Greenwald, executive director of the Nuclear Innovation Alliance:
“The deployment of advanced nuclear reactors requires effective and efficient nuclear reactor licensing that enables safe, publicly trusted, and commercially competitive construction and operation. Reforms are necessary for NRC to have the capacity and capability to implement modernized, risk-informed, performance-based, and technology-inclusive regulatory processes and frameworks.”
NIA Statement Welcoming the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's New Executive Director for Operations
WASHINGTON D.C. The Nuclear Innovation Alliance (NIA) shared the following statement in response to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's New Executive Director for Operations. This statement may be attributed to NIA Executive Director Judi Greenwald: